Calculate your potential

Your potential

CO2 reduction
per annum fleet/chargers
Financial benefit
per annum
This example calculation and its outcomes serve as a ‘worked’ illustration of potential ITMO carbon credit net revenue only and are provided “as is”. They are based on assumptions concerning average technical and operational characteristics of different vehicles, energy systems, macroeconomic environments and market circumstances. Zeroca assumes no responsibility or liability for any error or omission therein and actual parameters and outcomes may differ from case to case. As such no rights, claims or liabilities can be derived from this example. No representations to third parties should be made based on this example. Contact Zeroca directly for a further tailored assessment of your potential.
Project location World
E-mobility carbon credit program available in your selected country

The selected e-mobility project would result in an estimated xx tCO2 of carbon savings per annum, which could translate into an estimated financial benefit of xx USD per annum for the project owner. We are actively looking for project owners to set up new e-mobility carbon credit programs around the world.

Whether ITMOs or the voluntary market can be targeted will be dependent on the details of your project and the host country’s carbon market policies, which we can assess for you.

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Accelerating E-Mobility in Chile through the market mechanism of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (ITMOs)

For English, please see below

Acelerando la Electromovilidad en Chile a través del mecanismo de mercado del artículo 6 del Acuerdo de París (ITMOs): Programa de Electromovilidad para Chile

El 9 de diciembre de 2023, Chile firmó un acuerdo climático bilateral con Suiza en virtud del artículo 6 del Acuerdo de París. Con este acuerdo se abre una oportunidad de financiamiento para proyectos que reducen emisiones de gases efecto invernadero en Chile, entre ellos los de Electromovilidad, tecnología que permite reducir la dependencia de combustibles fósiles intensivos en carbono tales como la gasolina o el diesel para el transporte o material rodante en general. 

El Programa de ZEROCA permitirá acelerar la transición hacia la electromovilidad mediante la participación de diversos actores clave vinculados al sector del transporte (propietarios, proveedores o fabricantes de la tecnología, inversionistas, operadores, empresas de leasing, entre otros).

El Programa promoverá la movilidad eléctrica en diferentes categorías de vehículos eléctricos (ya sea a baterías o celdas de combustible con hidrogeno verde):

  • Furgonetas (vans) y vehículos pesados (camiones) para el transporte de carga;
  • Buses interurbanos para el transporte de pasajeros;
  • Buses de transporte público (excepto en la Región Metropolitana);
  • Buses corporativos para el transporte de personal;
  • Motocicletas y vehículos de 3 ruedas utilizados con fines comerciales (servicios de transporte a domicilio y/o de reparto);
  • Equipos de maquinaria móvil como grúas horquillas, volquetes, niveladoras, carretillas elevadoras utilizados en bodegas, obras de construcción, puertos, aeropuertos y en faenas mineras;
  • Buques comerciales utilizados para el transporte de pasajeros o carga;
  • Infraestructura de carga (electrolineras).

Se espera que el Programa tenga cobertura a lo largo de todo el país, para apoyar la masificación de este tipo de transporte bajo o cero emisiones que además de contribuir en la mitigación del cambio climático, también tendrá beneficios en la salud y calidad de vida de las personas, al reducir la contaminación atmosférica y acústica.

Actualmente estamos avanzando en las fases tempranas de evaluación para posteriormente solicitar el registro del Programa ante el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente de Chile y la Autoridad Nacional Designada de Suiza. Además, puede contactarnos al siguiente correo para presentar sus consultas o inquietudes.

También puede contactarnos con preguntas, comentarios o mensajes a través del formulario de contacto designado a continuación.

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Accelerating E-Mobility in Chile through the market mechanism of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (ITMOs): E-Mobility Program for Chile

On December 9, 2023, Chile signed a bilateral climate agreement with Switzerland under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. This agreement created a financing opportunity for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Chile, including those in e-mobility. Zeroca is aggregating a program that will accelerate the transition to e-mobility through the participation of various key actors linked to the transportation sector (owners, suppliers or manufacturers of the technology, investors, operators, leasing companies, among others).

The program will promote e-mobility in different categories of electric vehicles (either battery-powered or fuel cells with green hydrogen):

  • Vans and heavy vehicles (trucks) for cargo transportation;
  • Intercity buses for passenger transportation;
  • Public transportation buses (except in the Metropolitan Region);
  • Corporate buses for staff transportation;
  • Motorcycles and 3-wheeled vehicles used for commercial purposes (home and/or delivery services);
  • Mobile machinery equipment such as forklifts, dump trucks, graders, and forklifts used in warehouses, construction sites, ports, airports, and mining operations;
  • Commercial vessels used for passenger or cargo transportation;
  • Charging infrastructure (electric charging stations).

The program is expected to have coverage throughout the country, to support the widespread use of this type of low- or zero-emission transportation, which, in addition to contributing to the mitigation of climate change, will also have benefits for people’s health and quality of life by reducing air and noise pollution.

We are currently advancing in the early stages of evaluation to subsequently request registration of the Program with the Ministry of the Environment of Chile and the Designated National Authority of Switzerland. You can contact us at to present your questions or concerns.

You can also reach out for questions, comments or messages via the designated contact form .